This blog has been taken from the talk ‘Dare to Hope’ by Graham Foxwell of Cedar Tree Mental Health and Well-being. It is used in the Cedar Tree Mental Health Awareness course.
I hope you are all well and keeping safe, we are in strange times right now, aren’t we? And more so than ever… we need to look after our Mental health those around us – family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues and those we are caring for.
Today I'm going to share some thoughts about Mental Health. But more importantly about HOPE. To give hope to those who are experiencing poor mental health themselves, or to those who are supporting someone, possibly a loved one with poor mental health.
This isn't just about ‘other people’ with mental ill-health, or the loved ones we may be caring for. This is also about YOU! The friend, parent, carer, or sibling of someone who is experiencing mental ill health - it’s about YOU, and your Mental Health too! I want you to understand that looking after your mental health is important too.
Imagine you're on an aeroplane, heading off somewhere sunny. Hmmm that would be great right now wouldn’t it 😎. You're looking forward to sitting on the beach with your ice-cold drink! You have your 2.4 children sitting next to you. When the plane suddenly starts to descend, and the air pressure drops.
What happens next? The oxygen masks drop down.
What do the cabin crew say is the 1st thing you should do? Put on your own mask, before helping others; before helping your 2.4 children.
Why? Because without it, you are no good to your 2.4 children. Without it, you are going to pass out! No good to anyone! We need to look after yourselves, if we are going to be able to look after anyone else!
Perhaps you’ve been struggling on for months, years, or even decades - waiting for someone to pick you up and dust you off and say it’s going to be ok…! Well, if you are in this place, I can tell you from experience, there is HOPE to be found.
When we choose to believe and understand, that the circumstances we find ourselves in may not change, but we cling to HOPE ; we start to believe and know and experience life better. We can let go of a desire to be safe and trouble free, HOPE sets in and recovery starts.
When we ‘let go’ of the stuff causing us pain - the emotional, physical, and mental stuff, Our “resilience” expands and hope takes over! We begin to have, Peace, Joy and Calm in our lives. And love - that may have faded or been pushed to one side emerges. Including being able to love yourself. We also experience, patience, kindness and compassion. We feel secure, composed and in control. We have…….. HOPE .
So where can we find HOPE ? Well that is different for everyone. I've taken the word HOPE and created an acronym to give you some helpful tools, strategies and coping to find that HOPE .
This can come from many places and can be either professional or personal.
We can seek help and support from:
Trying new things
We can do this by sharing our skills, joining a club, learning to sing, dance, enjoy art, photography much more. By trying new things we start to build & create relationships - (according to research - the most important overall contributor to happiness. People with strong and wide social groups are happier, healthier and live longer)
Why not take up a new sport? Our body and mind are connected. It is well known, that being active makes us happier, as well as being good for our physical health. It is also a very good treatment for all kinds of mental ill-health, from Depression to Anxiety to OCD, and more.
Caring for others
Helping other people is not only good for them, and a nice thing to do, it also makes us happier and healthier. We can give our time, ideas and energy, and money. So get out and volunteer - with a local charity or club!
You can generate positivity in your life through:
We need to accept that recovery is a process and doesn’t happen quickly. We need to accept we are not perfect. No-one is perfect, so why should you be? How often do we compare ourselves to others. We need look at the stuff we are good at and stop dwelling on what we are not or be grateful for what we have and not what we don’t. Learning to accept ourselves, warts and all, and being kinder to ourselves when things go wrong will increase our enjoyment of life, our resilience and our well-being. It is also good to accept others are not perfect too and to accept them as they are.
Positive emotions
Like joy, gratitude, contentment, inspiration and pride, are not just great at the time; Research shows that regularly experiencing positive emotions, creates an 'upward spiral', helping us to build our resilience. Although we need to be realistic about life's ups and downs it helps to focus on the good aspects of any situation.
Meaning, purpose and direction
People who have meaning and purpose in their lives are happier, feel more in control and get more out of what they do. They also experience less stress, anxiety and depression.
All of us have times of stress, loss, failure or trauma in our lives. But how we respond to these has a big impact on our well-being. Recent research shows - resilience, like many other life skills, can be learnt, through therapy, support groups and training.
Let go
Sometimes we need to go of a desire to be safe and trouble free. Let go of the stuff causing us pain. The emotional, physical, and mental stuff. And through the letting go, Peace, Joy, Calm and Love take over.
If you are experiencing poor mental health right now, I Encourage you to do all of the H.O.P.E.
DON'T try and just 'deal with it' or hold it in, TALK. I promise you; it does help. Maybe not straight away, as sometimes it takes time, but it will help. You may have to try different things before it works - you may have already seen a counsellor and thought, that was rubbish! Well I encourage to try another one….. Why should the first one we see be the perfect one? Keep trying.
Supporting someone....
If you are supporting someone, who is experiencing mental health ill health, I encourage you to Listen - Don’t be afraid to just listen - listening the most powerful tool in helping and supporting someone experiencing mental health ill health. Don’t try and fix their problems, just listen and try to understand. Even though everything within us is saying we should fix this. We can’t. Just Listen!
So, that is H.O.P.E. in a nutshell.
So what is YOUR Hope?
Find your HOPE and cling to it with all of your might. Dare to Hope
We can either can stay in our pit of misery and pain, paralysed by fear - or we can HOPE and experience recovery.
Don’t let the little voice inside tell you you’re not good enough, you’re rubbish, you’ll never make it. It’s not true. You are good enough; you are worth it and you will make it.
And just remember - You might be that HOPE to someone else!
Thank you for reading this blog and I hope you have you have found some HOPE from it. Please look out for future BLOGS and articles from Cedar Tree Mental Health & Well-being. www.cedartree-mhw.co.ulk #cedartreemhw
Thank you for reading. Please look out for future BLOGS and articles from Cedar Tree Mental Health & Well-being.
www.cedartree-mhw.co.uk #cedartreemhw
You can find the other Blogs in this series below (Mental Health Awareness Week - May 2020)
If you would like some more information about what we do, click here - HOME - Training - Services
Some of the material for H.O.P.E. has been derived from the 10 keys to a happier living by Action for happiness .
The information contained in or made available through www.cedartree-mhw.co.uk cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in the medical field. We do not recommend any specific treatment, drug, food or supplement. Cedar Tree mhw is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or received from the Cedar Tree mhw. www.cedartree-mhw.co.uk contains links to outside websites that are not maintained by Cedar Tree mhw. Cedar Tree mhw is not responsible for the content or endorse any site.
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