We provide a range of recognised and accredited training services to meet your requirements. And we aim to listen and provide an individual high quality customer service.
Mental Health First Aid  
Mental Health First Aid England's vision is to normalise society’s attitudes and behaviours around mental health, by developing the skills we need to look after our own and others’ wellbeing.

Theirs and our mission
is to train one in ten of the population in England in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) skills – because we all have mental health.

Mental health education empowers people to care for themselves and others. By reducing stigma through understanding, we hope to break down barriers to the support that people may need to stay well, recover, or manage their symptoms – to thrive in learning, work and life.

Let’s start with the statistics. One in ten young people experience a mental health issue at any one time. For those aged 5-19 suicide is the second most common cause of death, and a record number of children contacted Childline with suicidal thoughts in 2016/17. 

  • Seven are likely to have been bullied
  • Six may be self-harming
  • One could have experienced the death of a parent
Record levels of young people are struggling. Academic pressure, social media, bullying, poverty, lack of availability of professional mental health support – all have been named as contributing to this epidemic of poor mental health in our young people.
It’s clear that young people are not getting the support they need. Key figures in a young person’s life – parents, family members, teachers, tutors, carers, youth workers – can often spot when a young person is struggling but may not know how best to help.

Learn to support young people

Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) courses are for everyone who works with, lives with or supports young people aged 8-18. They will teach you the skills and confidence to spot the signs of mental health issues in a young person, offer first aid and guide them towards the support they need. In doing so, you can speed up a young person’s recovery and stop a mental health issue from getting worse.

Our courses won't teach you to be a therapist, but we will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis - and even potentially stop a crisis from happening. 

But more than that, we aim to give you the information and skills to look after your own mental health so that you can set an example for young people. By giving you the tools to have these conversations, we hope to empower you to create a mentally healthy, supportive environment in your family, school, peer group or community.

Let's create a future where mental health is treated as a normal part of life, in the same way as physical health. A future where every young person has access to support if they need it

MHFA England is the
national licensed organisation for MHFA training

- All MHFA courses are
accredited & evidence based.
- All our instructors & consultants are DBS checked.


Mental Health First Aider 

Our Youth MHFA Two Day course qualifies you as a Youth Mental Health First Aider.

Youth Mental Health First Aiders have:
  • An in depth understanding of young people’s mental health and factors that affect well-being
  • Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues 
  • Confidence to reassure and support a young person in distress
  • Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening 
  • Knowledge to help a young person recover their health by guiding them to further support – whether that’s through self-help sites, their place of learning, the NHS, or a mix – engaging with parents, carers and external agencies where appropriate
  • Ability to support a young person with a long term mental health issue or disability to thrive
  • Tools to look after your own mental well-being 

PDF Downloads
YMHFA - TWO Day Brochure YMHFA - TWO Day Outline

Want to be a
Mental Health First Aider?

For course dates, content and booking info, click on the button below. 
Course Dates & Booking Info

Mental Health First Aid Champion

This one day course will qualify you as a Youth Mental Health Champion.

Youth MHFA Champions have: 
  • An understanding of common mental health issues and how they can affect young people
  • Ability to spot signs of mental ill health in young people and guide them to a place of support
  • Knowledge and confidence to advocate for mental health awareness
  • Skills to support positive well-being

PDF Downloads
YMHFA - ONE Day Course Outline & Brochure

Want to be a
Mental Health First Aid Champion?

For course dates, content and booking info, click on the button below. 
Course Dates & Booking Info

Coming soon in 2019
Mental Health First Aid 'awareness'
Mental Health First Aid 'awareness'
This half day course will be an introductory three hour session to raise awareness of young people’s mental health.

Mental Health First Aider 

This two Day course will qualify you as a Mental Health First Aider.

Mental Health First Aid Champion
This one day mental health awareness and skills course will qualify you as an Adult MHFA Champion.

Mental Health First Aid awareness
This half day course will be an introductory four hour session to raise awareness of mental health.

Coming  in 2020
Higher Education & Armed Forces
Mental Health First Aider, Champion and Awareness courses.

Interested in our other services? We’re here to help!

Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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